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Logging in to Dingle’s Games

My next task is to enable the saving of monsters and to try and make some money out of this website. I plan to continue working full-time on the site untill the end of the year, and then see if I can make enough money to make a living on an RPG website, or have to go back to working for other people.

To enable the saving of monsters you will have to login to Dinglesgames so I know who has what monsters saved. Within the next couple of weeks you will have to login to use the NPC generator (it will be free to create an account but I’ll soon be putting a cap on the NPC generator and the number of monsters saved).

  1. valaraukar says:

    Actually I´m using Paypal – so that would be fine! I´m looking forward to your new projects and hope that find time for the Advanced Player´s Guide classes…

  2. admin says:

    Hi valaraukar,
    I’m planning on adding Paypall for people who want to donate (buy me a pint).
    I’ll be looking into this after the psionics.

  3. valaraukar says:


    First of all I wanted to thank you for the great work you´ve done with the 3.75 Generator…saves a lot of time and worked really fine so far. Are you planning of implementing the new base classes form the Advanced Player´s Guide by the way?

    I really apreciate the effort and the time you´ve invested so far and would like to donate/buy a lifetime membership. BUT is there another method of paying than the google method? Perhaps you can send me an email with your bank data for a transaction?

  4. Krome says:

    Just so you know for sure, I use this site EXTENSIVELY! I certainly want a Lifetime membership but need to wait a couple more weeks for payday. This site is just indispensable to me.

  5. Brandon says:

    I love this site dude, my group of friends and I have been using it, and I know a lot of people that use it. It makes character creation so blasted easy! Thank you, and if you want to try and make a living off of this go ahead, its great.

  6. John Reyst says:

    I love your site but if you want to make a living off of it I would recommend using some sort of spell checker on the site. There are so many misspelled words it looks unprofessional. Not to say that the generators aren’t awesome, I’d just say that appearances say a lot and you might want to fix the simple stuff.

    This page alone has three mistakes (mistakes indicated with asterisks):

    “To enable the saving of monsters you ***wil*** have to login to Dinglesgames so I know who has what monsters saved. Within the next couple of weeks you will have to login to use the NPC generator (it will be free to create an account but I’ll soon be putting a cap on the NPC ***ganerator*** and the number of ***monstrers*** saved).”

    • admin says:

      Thanks John, You are very right about my spelling. I must remember to put it through a word processor first.
      I’m a bit dyslexic, for some reason quite a few programmers seem to be!!
      I was recently discussing this very topic, with a friend over a beer, and he suggested I offered a prize for any one who spotted an error on the site…, doing so could well start making me a loss though 😉

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