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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. chaoswil2000 says:

    Good morning and I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Would you be able to add the emerald automatons from the Emerald Spire module to the bestiary please?

  2. crystalbrier says:

    Would it be possible to add the Crazed template?


  3. chaoswil2000 says:

    Good morning and I hope your weekend is going well I just noticed that on the young green dragon when it gives the option to increase its hit dice to 10 it shrinks it from a large size creature to a medium size dragon

  4. Swashbuckler99 says:

    Request for the Wayang race to be added to the PF list of available creatures. Found in Sources: Inner Sea Races pg. 253, Advanced Race Guide pg. 210, Dragon Empires Primer pg. 6, Dragon Empires Gazetteer pg. 13, Bestiary 4 pg. 274

  5. tuziuz says:

    I am lifetime Member (tuziuzi) i can use all features but not the Pathfinder NPC generator. Can you help me?

  6. Netrun says:

    This site is amazing, I guess I will switch to paid generator when my team reaches level 9

  7. chaoswil2000 says:

    Greetings its me again. I’ve been trying to make dire awakened baboons for an alchemist’s lab. For some reason the hit dice from the awakened template doesn’t stack with the hit dice from the dire template.
    Also can the inverted giant be added as well?
    Thank you again for the site.

  8. tkortman180 says:

    Hi! Can you add the Giant simple template to the NPC generator? It would be useful for my summoner with the Rod of Giant Summmoning. Thanks!

  9. chaoswil2000 says:

    Hi its me again I just noticed something regarding the Martial Artist Archetype for monks. It says one of the archetype’s features is it should be able to access fighter feats of an equivalent level starting at lvl 4. That hasn’t been enabled yet.

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