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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. colebotman says:

    Love your site! Helps so much with DM prep. Could you add the Holy Vindicator prestige class? Thanks!

  2. aajohnson999 says:

    Your site is amazing and I use it a ton. Are you still planning on adding the mythic rules?

  3. azx101 says:

    I love the site and think you have done a fantastic job.

    I was wondering if you had any plans on adding the other occult classes like Kineticist?

    Even if you don’t I still love the site thx a bunch for the continued service and regular updates.

  4. darendo says:

    Hi there, I just bought the “30 separate days” membership but it seems it will function on every tool except this on (Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator). When I go to this tab, it says “Not Logged In”, but every other one it says I am. I bought this specifically to quickly make Pathfinder NPCs, can this be fixed please?

  5. VonTherodere says:

    I posted this on the What’s New Tab but noticed most of the posts there were pretty old so I wanted to add it here instead.

    Is there any chance of adding beyond 20th level Pathfinder 1e levels? Also, would you ever consider adding third party rules such as Jesse’s Epic Level Pathfinder Handbook? Although I am sure that would be a headache to implement :/

  6. chaoswil2000 says:

    Any chance you could add the monstrous humanoid known as the Onyvolan? Thank you again for the site.

  7. StarSword says:

    Hey, FYI, bloodragers aren’t supposed to get their first bonus feat until level 6. I rolled a 5th-level BR and it had that feat slot.

  8. eyddi88 says:

    Love your site dude, best money i ever spent

  9. Jacqualine Cooper says:

    Is there any chance you could add Dread Vampire? My friends and I still use Pathfinder 1e and want to do a Curse of Strahd game in pathfinder, and I thought Dread Vampire would be great for Strahd.

  10. Kujinata says:

    Can you add aerochemist please? Thank you. I still use the generator and it honestly is better than anything programmed for ttrpgs. You should really be proud.

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