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Wanted Pathfinder Beta Testers

My work on the Pathfinder NPC Generator is nearly finished, what would be useful is for a few people to give it a good test. If you are interested in joining the Beta test let me know.
The Pathfinder Beta test has now finished. However, If you do find any errors or have any suggestions let me know

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  1. Hawkins says:

    I would be more than willing to help beta test the Pathfinder features as well. I just found this site and am excited for the upcoming Pathfinder features because my RP group has almost exclusively switched to Pathfinder.

  2. Keith says:

    I’m just getting ready to start a Pathfinder campaign and would love to test this out for you.

  3. Spenser says:

    I would love to help out!

  4. Christopher Anthony says:

    Count me in. I’ve been looking for something like this for some time now!

  5. Gladly beta test for you. Always looking to help out the Pathfinder community.

  6. Zach says:

    I will be happy to try out your generator.

  7. justaguy says:

    I’ll give it a go… could use it for my game tonight, but hey… 🙂

  8. Sean Holland says:

    If I can be of any help, let me know. Your generators are such a useful resource.

  9. admin says:

    Thanks Jacob,
    I’ll send you an E-mail when I’m ready, I’m still messing about with the sorcerer and cleric special abilities at the moment. Hoping to have a testable version by early next week.

  10. Jacob Gearhart says:

    I’ll gladly Beta your pathfinder generator! I use your D&D Npc Gen EVERY week!


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