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Psionics 3.5 Release

I have just released the Psion and the Psionic Warrior classes in to the 3.5 NPC Generator.
All the powers and feats have now been added.
If you have any problems or suggestions let me know


Pathfinder NPC Generator

I’ve now released the Beta version of Dingles Pathfinder NPC Generator. I still have some monsters to update (add in more skills and feats) but I reckon the generator is in a usable state. If any one has any problems let me know and I’ll get them fixed.
Let me know what you think about the Pathfinder NPC Generator…


Wanted Pathfinder Beta Testers

My work on the Pathfinder NPC Generator is nearly finished, what would be useful is for a few people to give it a good test. If you are interested in joining the Beta test let me know.
The Pathfinder Beta test has now finished. However, If you do find any errors or have any suggestions let me know

Pathfinder Generators

At long last I’ve managed to get hold of the Pathfinder rules and Monster Manual. So now I will be looking at writing a Pathfinder NPC Generator. Only got the books through today so I’ve a bit of reading to do..

Prestige Classes

I’ve now added some Prestige classes to the generator, if anyone finds a problem with them please let me know, and I’ll get it fixed ASAP.
I’ve added Arcane Archer, Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Blackguard, Mystic Theurge, and Shadowdancer. The rest I’ll be adding at a later date.
Have fun ambushing your parties with Assassins.

These will only be available to none paying customer for 1 month.


Would you like to write a review?

If anyone who has a web site or blog and is willing to write a review of Dingles Games (Good or Bad), I’m willing to give away a 1 years free membership to all reviewers (offer ends End of December 2009).
Contact me at if you’re interested.


Membership of Dingle’s Games

You can now become a paying member of Dingle’s Games
At present all features are still free but I will be taking off the save feature to non paying customers.

Paying customers will soon be able to:
. Save monsters
. Have access to a saved monsters screen where you can manipulate your saved creations, adding in campaign details, and NPC descriptions, and deleting or updating your creations.
. Allow you to create your own monsters via a monster creation screen.

For a short period I am offering a lifetime membership for £25 (GBP) or a one year’s membership for £15. I will be removing the Lifetime option when the additional features are up and running.
So if you want a lifetime membership sign-up now.
Once a member all new generator abilities will be usable at no extra charge.

New NPC Generator

I’ve just added the D&D 3.5 NPC Generator to the site. This has the extra features of spells and magic item selection. Have a play with it and tell me what you think. If you find a bug let me know and I’ll get it fixed ASAP (I haven’t managed to test every magic item).